PowerBoss Sweepers with Silica Dust Control

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Here at Total Clean, we are committed to maintaining the health and safety of all workers. Part of that commitment is offering effective silica dust exposure control plans that are customized to meet the needs of every organization. With a 99.9% filtration efficiency, our equipment by PowerBoss holds our safety measures to the highest standard.

When it comes to silica dust control, PowerBoss has got you covered. A large number of our cleaning equipment meets and/or exceeds OSHA’s standards regarding HEPA filtration of carcinogenic dusts. PowerBoss offers three types of dust control methods that can be used to support OSHA’s housekeeping practices including; wet sweeping, water flooding, and dry sweeping.

What is Crystalline Silica?

Silica, often referred to as quartz, is a very common mineral. It is found in many materials common on construction sites, including soil, sand, concrete, masonry, rock, granite, and landscaping materials.

The dust created by cutting, grinding, drilling or otherwise disturbing these materials can contain crystalline silica particles. These dust particles are very small. You cannot see them. This respirable silica dust causes lung disease and lung cancer. It only takes a very small amount of airborne silica dust to create a health hazard.

Recognizing that very small, respirable silica particles are hazardous, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 29 CFR 1926.1153 requires construction employers to keep worker exposures at or below a Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) of 50 µg/m3or comply with Table 1 – Specifed Exposure Control Methods When Working With Materials Containing Crystalline Silica of the silica standard.

Our equipment by PowerBoss accomplishes that goal. To learn more, or to schedule a FREE demo, contact the team at Total Clean today!

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