Hydro Tek Tank Skid Mounted Pressure Washers
Bolt-and-go convenience
The Hydro Tek Tank Skid features a 200 or 270 Gallon Water tank, fully plumbed for ‘out of the box’ use, built-in water filtration, a rugged steel frame—protected by durable electrostatically applied textured powder coat finish—mounted with your machine selection.
Each of the Tank Skids has been engineered to match up with either an SM, SS or SC Series Hydro Tek Pressure Washer.
No need for costly or custom installation jobs. The water tank and pressure washer are already securely attached to the tank skid frame. Simply bolt to the floor. This versatile Tank Skid allows pressure washing at remote sites where a water supply may not be available or convenient. The tank skid’s compact design allows several options for mounting: between the wheel wells of a standard pick-up, mounted side-by-side or across on an 8’ wide flatbed, or installed in an enclosed trailer. An added advantage is the convenience of being able to unbolt and remove the skid to free up your trailer or truck.

Remote cleaning: Allows washing without a water source
versatile compact design slides easily into bed of standard pick-up truck
portability: forklift clearance and access holes for mounting
bolt-and-go convenience
Total Clean. Total Solutions.
Interested in seeing the Hydro Tek Tank Skid Mounted Pressure Washer in action? Contact us to schedule your free demo today.